Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Interview with Ray Models Maya, Joras, and Coco



AshleyRay Runway Co Interview with Ray Models MercedesCoco, Joras & MayaAryelle
Tell us about yourself: ,Why do you want to work as a model? Why are you interested in this career?

MercedesCoco: I am interested in the field because I myself would love to get into creating and designing my own pieces. I love fashion so modeling is getting the first hand look at the latest and greatest things and that also puts me one step closer to my dream of designing Fashion.


 MayaAryelle : I've wanted to work as a model because I've been told that it would be a good option for me and I believe them. I feel that I have a good sense of style but I know that I still have much to learn. I am interested in this career because I know that it's a very good opporunity and will open many doors for me.


Joras: Well, I've always found the fashion industry to be an artisticly free society. You can be who ever you want in terms of photo shoots, from a woodland creature to Cinderella. There is really no limitations. I want to be a model because it let's me express my inner diva and lets me play on child hood dreams of becoming a role model that people look up to..



 Tell us about your education: Have you attended fashion modeling courses? What related courses or studies have you taken?


 Joras: I have taken a Into to fashion industry in my old college, and I am looking forward to taking more this coming spring


 MercedesCoco: I have not attended a school with a study of Fashion yet. But I have applied to the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. I have taken no Fashion courses yet I had planned on taking a few online to get a feel of it and I even thought about studying abroad to Italy. I sketch and sew though.

MayaAryelle : Sadly, I have not attented any fashion modeling courses. However, I have looked into some recently, through Essense and Lei Modeling, I keep that I've been given an eye-opener to what fashion really is, so I plan on finding some courses in the near future to further my endevours.



What do you know about the advertisement industry, advertising psychology and photography?

MercedesCoco: I do not know much about the advertise meant side of the business but I did have a photography and photoshop class I attended for two years. So I know my way around a camera.

MayaAryelle: I know little about the advertisement industry, just that they purposefully make their ads short and sweet and to the point to grab attention and make people want to buy them. I know that bright colors and short catchy sloagans are very important because they get stuck in the mind and eventally that subconsiousness will arise and you'll find yourself buying something.


Joras: I honestly have not been involved in much of the advertisement part of the industry, I do know that to be successful you have to appeal to all of the social groups ( genders, age, race, exc..) in order to really globalize yourself.



 What are your goals as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field?


Joras: My goal as a model is to become a sensation as much as Tyra Banks is to modeling or Beyonce is to the music industry. Not only that but I would like to not only be a pretty face but have some substance to bring allong with me.


MayaAryelle: I am hoping to train hard and well enough to because a level three model at your agency or another like yours. Dedication and hard work will get me far, that I know. I believe with the right background and training I will progress quickly and easily, I am a fast learner.

 MercedesCoco: My goal as a mold is to basically become the best one I can be. To learn how to be flexible, take on challenges, better perfect my craft and express my love for fashion as well. Hopefully my modeling under AshleyRay I will get to the next level and start my fashin career.



What do you hope to accomplish at our modeling agency?



 MayaAryelle: I would love to accomplish becoming a pro model and doing high fashion spreads.

 MercedesCoco: I hope I accomplish networking and making a list of potential customers for the fashion I wish to create.
Joras: I hope to accomplish putting myself out into the fashion industry, I hope for the recognition and the notiriety it will get me. I also love the thought of belonging to a stable company where I am with other like minded people

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